
General Sessions

Group Sessions


Event check-in desk open
Meet and mingle with fellow attendees at the official opening of AynRandCon-Europe 2025! Includes light fare.
10:00 –10:30am Break
This session is a fun, fast-paced icebreaker designed for attendees to meet each other and talk philosophy. In the first portion of this session, you will break into small groups to talk with your fellow attendees on the topic: “What questions do you have about Objectivism?” You’ll discuss each other’s questions and vote up one or two that your group will raise with our panel of speakers. In the second portion of the session, a representative from each group will ask their group’s top questions, bringing the perspective of our experts into the conversation.
12:00 –1:30 PMLunch
“Give back,” “Serve something higher than yourself,” “Put others first”—this is the wisdom of the ages. Raised on these platitudes from religious and secular quarters alike, most people assume that to be moral simply is to be selfless. Ayn Rand rejects this assumption. She champions the virtue of selfishness. But what does that mean? This lecture highlights some of the key elements of rational egoism to illuminate what it is and is not. By refuting common misconceptions as well as indicating what genuine self-interest demands, it paves the way for the healthy exercise of selfishness and the happiness that it makes possible.
2:15 – 3:00 PM Break
Experience what it’s like to receive feedback on your own work from ARU faculty. Read the assigned reading and complete a homework assignment. If you submit your work by the listed deadline, your assignment might be selected for discussion during the conference!
Note: Click here to download the homework for this session.
7:00 –10:00 PMSocial Event

Can you imagine your life without your smartphone, without cars, and without your local supermarket? Probably not. Yet, we spend very little time understanding what made these things possible. Even more, the great creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs who built the world we live in are often met with scorn. For many, the term “capitalist” evokes emotions of moral suspiciousness, if not outright hostility. In this lecture, we will try to understand the great producers. What are their essential characteristics, and how should we evaluate them?

This lecture explains the fundamental alternative between reason and faith. After clarifying the basic nature of each, it demonstrates the superiority of reason by highlighting reason’s role in the acquisition of knowledge and the advance of human progress. Its final segment considers the common suggestion that what is best is a balance, accepting faith as appropriate for certain questions, while using reason for all others. In fact, the lecture argues, such a reconciliation is untenable; attempts to partner the two serve only to destroy the benefits of reason.
10:30 –11:00 am Break
Objectivism is a philosophy for living on earth . . . happily! In this talk, Tal Tsfany, ARI’s CEO, will share concepts and actionable practices for leveraging Objectivism toward achieving the state of consciousness we call “happiness.” We’ll cover tools and techniques for answering questions such as “Who am I?” “What do I love?” What do I want?” “How do I get it?” and “What’s the point?”
11:45 am –1:30 pm Lunch and Group Photo
Germany has been the center of two lethal totalitarianisms: Marxism and national socialism. In this session, Nikos and TIK, the popular YouTuber behind the channel TIKhistory, will discuss the issue of socialism—Marxist and national. They will examine the allure of these collectivist movements and how Objectivism can help shed light on their evil.
2:30 – 3:15 pm Break
Students will get the opportunity to ask questions of faculty about any issues that have sparked their interest over the course of the conference.
Together we’ll conclude AynRandCon-Europe 2025 and reflect on key insights and takeaways from the conference.
5:15 pm onwardExplore Berlin on Your Own
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