July 1-5, 2025    |    Boston

The Westin Copley Place


Cancel by May 15, 2025, to receive a full refund. (All prices are in USD.)


The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
OCON2025 Adult Conference Pass
$ 1,776.00
OCON2025 Young Adult Conference Pass
Age 25 and under, as of June 15, 2025.
$ 888.00
OCON2025 Student Conference Pass
Full-time students of any age with a valid student ID.
$ 336.00
OCON2025 Student Sponsorship
Your generous sponsorship allows us to significantly reduce OCON student pricing and provide travel and accommodation stipends.
$ 500.00
OCON2025 Poker Night Seat
Claim your seat to join board members, speakers, and fellow attendees for the Fifth Annual Texas Hold ’Em Poker Championship Tournament.
$ 100.00


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